Thank you for posting this video, brought to my attention by a mutual friend of ours. I visited Russia in July for 19 glorious days — Moscow and St. Petersburg. The whole time, I was very aware that while beautiful cities, they are but one small part of Russia. Your video allowed me to "visit" many other areas of Russia I was unable to see in July. I was especially interested in the Crimea report-back. So glad you posted it!

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Thank you Faith....be sure to follow many reports about Russia, and especially Crimea since I live here...On YouTube: Alfredo Bolduc (a pseudonym because it deleted my original account with over 550 films, videos and podcasts)

Also on Rumble, Bitchute, Facebook, X, as either tremregi or regis tremblay.

There are many, many videos about Russia from many locations, including Crimea.


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Thank you Faith....be sure to follow many reports about Russia, and especially Crimea since I live here...On YouTube: Alfredo Bolduc (a pseudonym because it deleted my original account with over 550 films, videos and podcasts)

Also on Rumble, Bitchute, Facebook, X, as either tremregi or regis tremblay.

There are many, many videos about Russia from many locations, including Crimea.


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