And what the AmeriKans/the World is witnessing, is PURE THEATRE!
MY question to the Trump Cult is......
WHAT are THEY going to DO, when they finally come to the realization that Trump is a FRAUD.....that he LIED to them.....that it is HE who is ushering CBDC and the NWO?!
I am a FORMER supporter of Trump.
He had done things that were UNFORGIVABLE, for me to ever vote for him again.
'Operation Warp Speed' is one of them! Unleashing a Bio-weapon on Americans is UNFORGIVABLE! This GENE-ALTERING Bio-weapon IS an 'Extinction Level Event'.
Another thing that is UNFORGIVABLE........Trump's SWORN LOYALTY to the Khazarian State (aka 'Israel').
I am still to be convinced of a real war happening jn Ukraine. I have trawled the net for hours and never seen any I phone videos from scared Ukrainians in the streets showing deaf bodies in the strewt ,,building's ablaze,, troops marching through ? Nothing but staged pics of super clean uniformed soldiers .I have however seen young kids clubbing and partying, people holidaying at pools in Nice hotels ? Where is this war ? There was more footage from WW1 !
The 'Pope(s)', Jesuits, Globalists, NWO, Banksters, NAZIS, Black Nobility, ect......are all arms of the same Octopus......
Khazarians are NOT Jewish; though they claim to be.
1,000 to 2,000 Years ago, Khazarians roamed in and around the area now known as the Ukraine.
They traveled the land, raping.....robbing.....pillaging. And so that they (Khazarians) would not get the blame for these crimes, they started to call themselves 'Jewish'. This was when REAL Jews started to call Khazarians, NAME STEALERS (for pretending to be Jewish, when they were NOT).
Fast forward to modern times.....from those early days, Khazarians continued to rape, rob & pillage; they are now WORLD-WIDE, with their roots in Banking. Today, Khazarians HIDE BEHIND 'antisemitism', when you point the finger at them, and call out their crimes. To get around this, we all need to STOP calling them 'jewish', because they are NOT! And we need to start calling them what they ARE.......NAME-STEALING, SATANIC KHAZARIANS!
I find it odd that no one is asking WHY it is, that supposed 'Jews' are SUPPORTING the Uki NAZIS?!
ANSWER: Because they are THE SAME.......BOTH are KHAZARIANS!
They go by MANY different names, as previously mentioned, just to CONFUSE people as to 'WHO' they ARE.
RFK Jr. is a FRAUD! Just as Trump is!
And what the AmeriKans/the World is witnessing, is PURE THEATRE!
MY question to the Trump Cult is......
WHAT are THEY going to DO, when they finally come to the realization that Trump is a FRAUD.....that he LIED to them.....that it is HE who is ushering CBDC and the NWO?!
I am a FORMER supporter of Trump.
He had done things that were UNFORGIVABLE, for me to ever vote for him again.
'Operation Warp Speed' is one of them! Unleashing a Bio-weapon on Americans is UNFORGIVABLE! This GENE-ALTERING Bio-weapon IS an 'Extinction Level Event'.
Another thing that is UNFORGIVABLE........Trump's SWORN LOYALTY to the Khazarian State (aka 'Israel').
There's more; but these are the two BIG ONES!
I am still to be convinced of a real war happening jn Ukraine. I have trawled the net for hours and never seen any I phone videos from scared Ukrainians in the streets showing deaf bodies in the strewt ,,building's ablaze,, troops marching through ? Nothing but staged pics of super clean uniformed soldiers .I have however seen young kids clubbing and partying, people holidaying at pools in Nice hotels ? Where is this war ? There was more footage from WW1 !
The 'Pope(s)', Jesuits, Globalists, NWO, Banksters, NAZIS, Black Nobility, ect......are all arms of the same Octopus......
Khazarians are NOT Jewish; though they claim to be.
1,000 to 2,000 Years ago, Khazarians roamed in and around the area now known as the Ukraine.
They traveled the land, raping.....robbing.....pillaging. And so that they (Khazarians) would not get the blame for these crimes, they started to call themselves 'Jewish'. This was when REAL Jews started to call Khazarians, NAME STEALERS (for pretending to be Jewish, when they were NOT).
Fast forward to modern times.....from those early days, Khazarians continued to rape, rob & pillage; they are now WORLD-WIDE, with their roots in Banking. Today, Khazarians HIDE BEHIND 'antisemitism', when you point the finger at them, and call out their crimes. To get around this, we all need to STOP calling them 'jewish', because they are NOT! And we need to start calling them what they ARE.......NAME-STEALING, SATANIC KHAZARIANS!
I find it odd that no one is asking WHY it is, that supposed 'Jews' are SUPPORTING the Uki NAZIS?!
ANSWER: Because they are THE SAME.......BOTH are KHAZARIANS!
They go by MANY different names, as previously mentioned, just to CONFUSE people as to 'WHO' they ARE.
'It's the Globalists!'
'It's the NWO!'
'It's the jews!'
'It's the Deep State!'
'It's the Jesuits!'
'It's the Catholics!'
and so on.......
IT'S THE KHAZARIANS and their MINIONS helpers!