Regis.....I'm still finding it really hard to believe that Russia/Putin is going along with this Globalists' One World Govt bullshit.

Reason being......Russia/Russians are ACTUAL Christians. Putin has built 'how many' new Russian Orthodox Christian Churches?? And Russia's military......they do think of themselves as 'Gods Army/Military'. I just don't see Russians allowing this Satanic Globalists' One World Government IN Russia. After all.....in the Globalists' One World Govt/New World Order.....there is NO MORE 'religion'; the government/system is 'god'! Putin would NOT be building all of those churches.

The Russians have NOT forgotten the invasion of their country by the Bolsheviks (aka Khazarians).......they will NEVER allow that to happen, again!

And what they are doing with their SMO, also points to ANTI-Globalism.

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DawnieR, yeah, I don't want to believe that Russia is going along with the Globalists, but there are strong voices of opposition here that are western-loving, capitalists and surely allied with that one world government bullshit. We're being treated to a spectacle by a hidden agenda that is hard to comprehend. Can you talk to me using the email I provided?

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