Khazarians are NOT Semitic; nor is their language.
The actual Semites are those who spoke the language that Christ did; I forget, at this moment, what that language was called.
The Ancient structures that he speaks of (Machu Picchu, et al) were not built, partly, 8500 years ago. The MEGALITHS were built long, long, LONG before that. Those from 8500-ish years ago built ON TOP of what was already there. This is the same for MOST Ancient structures, around the world. Peoples FOUND the MEGALITHS, and then added to them. Egypt, for example, has at least 3 different Civilizations doing the construction in Giza. Dr. Joseph P. Farrell is a GREAT source for various topics, including Egypt.
So-called 'Democracy' EVIL!
'Democracy' is TWO WOLVES and ONE SHEEP deciding what is for dinner.
The TWO WOLVES went to sleep with full stomachs.
I think that the word that Dean is searching for, is ANARCHY.
The Dumbed-down Masses BELIEVE (as opposed to THINK) that ANARCHY means: LAWLESSNESS; GO CRAZY AND BREAK/DESTROY SHIT. Which is WRONG!
Communism is also EVIL!
'Sharing', as Tribes did, will only work on a small scale.
(I'm Injun, by the way; Cherokee)
The Vegas/Tesla Cybertruck guy.....he did NOT write that email, nor that *cough* 'manifesto'.
Vegas and NOLA are CONNECTED; BOTH are False Flag PsyOps. People ARE waking up to these FF Ops. There are so many picking apart the latest FF Ops. I've been 'AWAKE' for 30-ish years......these PsyOps are SO EVIDENT, to me. 'THEY' use the SAME Plays, over and over and over again. NOLA & Vegas are TEXTBOOK FF PsyOps! Just like the 'CV19' 'Big, Bad Virus'.....on Day 2, I was calling......BULLSHIT!
The Drones are NOT Chinese; they belong to the United States Corporation.
'Blood Letting' is actually GOOD for us. Ask any REAL Doctor.
For regenerates our Red Blood Cells; it's also good if someone has excess Iron in their blood. HEALTHY people, after donating blood, feel even better than before they gave blood.
I think the business about the massive intermarriage is a bit ridiculous, but as far as his take on the Talmud, he is spot on. I've read it, parts of it. It is the most disgusting piece of garbage I've ever seen. My mother was jewish and my father wasn't. My mother's relatives used to belittle my father to his face for not being jewish; for being inferior because he wasn't. I've never been around more disgusting people. And that's why I refer to them as my mother's relatives and not mine. Such vile, nasty people. I am happy to identify with jews who recognize this arrogance as the evil it is. Jewish ethnicity is not a monolith. Plenty of us recognize the evil that these supremicists spout. They are no different than the German Nazis. German Nazis wanted all inferior people eliminated. And that is exactly what today's zionist nazis are looking to accomplish, starting with the Palestinians. They really think they're better than anyone else. And I spit on them.
No.....Dean is correct about the intermarriage. MOST of the worlds 'royals' are ALL RELATED. Go back and look at the bloodlines. A few people have done the research, I just can't remembers 'who', at this moment.
Inbreeding leads to genetic degeneration (and obviously mental decline) .. which is why they are all hell bent on destroying the world ( and themselves in the process )
Regis, I saw this information in videos by two individuals 10-15 years ago but I don’t remember their names. All of it was very interesting. Nibiru is due to move through our Solar System in the near future. It’s Sun, is part of a Double Star with our Sun, and it appears in the “Star Wars” double Trilogy film series in episode IV. Dean may know the names of the two individuals that I am referring to.
Dean has gotten a few things wrong.
Khazarians are NOT Semitic; nor is their language.
The actual Semites are those who spoke the language that Christ did; I forget, at this moment, what that language was called.
The Ancient structures that he speaks of (Machu Picchu, et al) were not built, partly, 8500 years ago. The MEGALITHS were built long, long, LONG before that. Those from 8500-ish years ago built ON TOP of what was already there. This is the same for MOST Ancient structures, around the world. Peoples FOUND the MEGALITHS, and then added to them. Egypt, for example, has at least 3 different Civilizations doing the construction in Giza. Dr. Joseph P. Farrell is a GREAT source for various topics, including Egypt.
So-called 'Democracy' EVIL!
'Democracy' is TWO WOLVES and ONE SHEEP deciding what is for dinner.
The TWO WOLVES went to sleep with full stomachs.
I think that the word that Dean is searching for, is ANARCHY.
The Dumbed-down Masses BELIEVE (as opposed to THINK) that ANARCHY means: LAWLESSNESS; GO CRAZY AND BREAK/DESTROY SHIT. Which is WRONG!
Communism is also EVIL!
'Sharing', as Tribes did, will only work on a small scale.
(I'm Injun, by the way; Cherokee)
The Vegas/Tesla Cybertruck guy.....he did NOT write that email, nor that *cough* 'manifesto'.
Vegas and NOLA are CONNECTED; BOTH are False Flag PsyOps. People ARE waking up to these FF Ops. There are so many picking apart the latest FF Ops. I've been 'AWAKE' for 30-ish years......these PsyOps are SO EVIDENT, to me. 'THEY' use the SAME Plays, over and over and over again. NOLA & Vegas are TEXTBOOK FF PsyOps! Just like the 'CV19' 'Big, Bad Virus'.....on Day 2, I was calling......BULLSHIT!
The Drones are NOT Chinese; they belong to the United States Corporation.
Via Jeffry Prather.......
'Blood Letting' is actually GOOD for us. Ask any REAL Doctor.
For regenerates our Red Blood Cells; it's also good if someone has excess Iron in their blood. HEALTHY people, after donating blood, feel even better than before they gave blood.
I think the business about the massive intermarriage is a bit ridiculous, but as far as his take on the Talmud, he is spot on. I've read it, parts of it. It is the most disgusting piece of garbage I've ever seen. My mother was jewish and my father wasn't. My mother's relatives used to belittle my father to his face for not being jewish; for being inferior because he wasn't. I've never been around more disgusting people. And that's why I refer to them as my mother's relatives and not mine. Such vile, nasty people. I am happy to identify with jews who recognize this arrogance as the evil it is. Jewish ethnicity is not a monolith. Plenty of us recognize the evil that these supremicists spout. They are no different than the German Nazis. German Nazis wanted all inferior people eliminated. And that is exactly what today's zionist nazis are looking to accomplish, starting with the Palestinians. They really think they're better than anyone else. And I spit on them.
No.....Dean is correct about the intermarriage. MOST of the worlds 'royals' are ALL RELATED. Go back and look at the bloodlines. A few people have done the research, I just can't remembers 'who', at this moment.
Inbreeding leads to genetic degeneration (and obviously mental decline) .. which is why they are all hell bent on destroying the world ( and themselves in the process )
They're ALL Psychopaths! Even their MINIONS.
Regis, I saw this information in videos by two individuals 10-15 years ago but I don’t remember their names. All of it was very interesting. Nibiru is due to move through our Solar System in the near future. It’s Sun, is part of a Double Star with our Sun, and it appears in the “Star Wars” double Trilogy film series in episode IV. Dean may know the names of the two individuals that I am referring to.