
Trump's Picks - More War - BRICS Threat

Trump's Plan for Ukraine, Israel, and China

Bruce Gagnon joins me with comments on Trump's cabinet picks; more war; support for Israel; BRICS is major threat to Trump’s world view.

$36 Trillion National Debt and rising is not sustainable. The military alone spends $1 Trillion per year and cannot account for Billions of dollars in another recent audit. The interest payment on that debt is more than the Pentagon budget!

MAGA is wishful thinking and why.

Bruce questions if the 77 year old Trump will even finish his term! A possible assassination? The onset of Dementia like Biden? A sudden heart attack or stroke from eating all of those McDonald’s hamburgers and fries? Who knows?

Follow Bruce's blog here: https://space4peace.blogspot.com/

The Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space here: https://space4peace.org/