This is an important point to emphasize that everything being done at the decision-making level is to distract, deceive, and further impoverish the populations. The debt-based fake money parasitic system is the control mechanism, and until it collapses, the status quo continues. The inevitable economic collapse will hit hardest the working poor, obviously. Community based systems work for some, but what about those imprisoned in megacities? Food chain is being decimated, poisoned, land stolen, and it is happening very fast.
Few want to say this out loud, but the only solution I see, is the immediate physical removal of these people from our midst, by whatever means possible. We DO NOT HAVE THE TIME to pursue peaceful means. We have run out of time. We have to treat them as they have treated and are treating us. We must do this for the sake of ourselves, our families, our communities, our nations.
God is in Control
The Gobalists have been killing all our old people who are walking history
Read the book Operation Gladio by Paul Williams
In 2018 I met 2 Greek policemen in the Holy Mountain Mount Athos and 2 other Greek men. I told them not to trust the EU, none of them agreed with me.
One answer: they give money to renovate the monasteries.
Very Sad!
I do not recognize Greece anymore!
Dear Maria,
This interview breaks my heart, now I understand why the Greek people are very upset.
Mitsotakis is as corrupt as Tsipras.
Poor Greece, no longer the same country I used to love and cherish.
This is an important point to emphasize that everything being done at the decision-making level is to distract, deceive, and further impoverish the populations. The debt-based fake money parasitic system is the control mechanism, and until it collapses, the status quo continues. The inevitable economic collapse will hit hardest the working poor, obviously. Community based systems work for some, but what about those imprisoned in megacities? Food chain is being decimated, poisoned, land stolen, and it is happening very fast.
Few want to say this out loud, but the only solution I see, is the immediate physical removal of these people from our midst, by whatever means possible. We DO NOT HAVE THE TIME to pursue peaceful means. We have run out of time. We have to treat them as they have treated and are treating us. We must do this for the sake of ourselves, our families, our communities, our nations.
Dear Maria,
The transformation of Greece to join the Evil Empires started in 1999 when Greece could not protest the bombing of Serbia.